Nutritional therapy is a form of holistic treatment that uses food as medicine.
But you don't have to be sick to see a nutritional therapist.
Learning how different foods affect your health is beneficial for everyone, and unlike fad diets (Keto, Paleo, 5-2) nutritional therapy promotes a sustainable lifestyle, not one that lasts 2 weeks. Working alongside a nutritional therapist you are able to discover ways to eat more of the foods you love and use them to your benefit. There is little to no restrictions unlike certain diets (which encourage you to eliminate entire food groups, terrible idea).
Why chose nutritional therapy?
Weight management
For some people, seeing a nutritional therapist is weight related. Weight loss and weight gain are closely related to the foods we eat. Many people try to follow fat loss diets online, weight gain programmes from influencers or sadly have been tricked into buying fat loss or appetite suppressant supplements. The reason these weight loss / weight gain diets never work in the long run is because they are not personalised to you. They also tend to be heavily restrictive meaning you are set up to fail. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone else. Our bodies and lifestyles are all so unique how could such a general diet patten (Keto, Paleo, 5-2) work for us all?
Working alongside a nutritional therapist to help create a nutrition plan that works best for you sets you up not only to reach your weight loss / weight gain goals but to create a sustainable way of life that is not restrictive about the foods you love to eat.
To be able to support your own health and your families
There really is
so little
education on how food affects our everyday health. Some people chose to work alongside a nutritional therapist to gain a better understand on the science of food. In my eyes, this should be taught to everybody from an early age because once you understand the fundamentals of nutrition you will never forget them, you will be set for life.
But there is so much contradictory information on the internet about nutrition, 100 fad diets (Keto, Paleo, 5-2) which all promise the grass is greener on their side, that once you follow their omnipotent rules you too can be happy. Influencers showing our children what they eat in a day, goddess green smoothies and low carb, low fat, zero calorie salads, creating the illusion that
they would never
eat a snickers after an incredibly stressful day at work or a handful (or 5 )
of Doritos just because.
Working with a nutritional therapist and learning not to demonise foods, finding ways to eat healthier alternatives to the foods you love (and still have them taste great) and gaining a better understanding of how your foods influence you and your family, will save you 1000 sleepless nights of wondering if you're not good enough because you accidentally ate a carb or if your children are getting the right amount of the best foods.
For clearer looking skin
Many people are still unaware of how our diet influences our skin. The healthiness of our skin is usually a mirror image of our gut health. You can buy every miracle cream, concealer, toner, moisturiser or mask under the sun, but at the end of the day it is the equivalent of putting a plaster on a cut so deep it clearly needs stitches. Using nutritional therapy you will be able to find the root problem contributing to your acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc., and work towards healing it permanently and not just for the 2 weeks until your cream runs out.
For improved mood and energy levels
There is no worse feeling than restless sleep, waking up in the morning feeling groggy and miserable. Yes, screen time, stress and exercise are all contributing factors when it comes to sleeping better but nutrition might just take the lead. For many people that come to see a nutritional therapist, improved mood and better sleep come as a nice surprise. Many people do not know there is a link at all between their mood, their sleep and their diet. So when they are working towards another goal (weight loss, skin health, PCOS) they are surprised to notice just how much their mood and sleep improves without even trying.
Waking up feeling worse for wear isn't normal. So don't normalise it. If you wake up feeling miserable and tired that can change! That is fixable and it is not something you need to just suck up and get on with!
To get yours and your kids immune system working in tip top condition
It would be a lie to say if you're healthy you will never catch a cold again, because that's impossible. But it wouldn't be a lie to say that a good diet and healthy lifestyle encourages a healthier, efficiently working immune system which can keep your symptoms at bay. A sluggish immune system means a cold can keep you feeling stuffy and gross for a couple of weeks. Fortunately, a healthy immune system can knock that down to a cold that lasts only a day or two and may even reduce your risk reoccurring infections from 5 colds a year to just the 1.
Ensuring your kids immune system is functioning well is vital for your health and theirs. Schools are a breeding ground for lovely little germs and this is actually highly beneficial (in its own gross way) for your child's immune system to develop. There will be coughs and sneezes and the odd pair of underwear that is no more, it's inevitable. Working with a nutritional therapist allows you to find new ways to increase the foods which help to keep sickness at bay for both you and your children.
To feel better about yourself
We all need a confidence boost once in a while. We are selfish creatures, and that's fine. Working with a nutritional therapist can give you that boost you need to believe in yourself just that little bit more. You may feel that everything you try to do you fail at and that's not your fault. Working alongside a nutritional therapist you can find ways to adjust your diet that empower you. You can be in full control of your diet, you will learn to develop healthy eating habits which means you don't need to have 'cheat days' to eat the foods you love.
Life is about balance, and when you find it and live in it, you will be living in complete harmony.
To control the raging hormones
We've all got them, hormones. When they're all in check and do their jobs well they make us feel great, they also protect us from danger, help us get to sleep and create new life. But when they decide to go out of whack, boy oh boy,
PCOS, diabetes, acne, menopause, sleepless nights, dreary mornings, hair loss, painful periods and constant fatigue are all influenced by hormones decided they don't want to do their job properly. The list could go on forever FYI.
Working alongside a nutritional therapist is the quickest, safest and most effective way at helping you to get your hormones back in balance. Diet plays a very important role when it comes to hormones, it can either help you to feel confident in your own skin or have you crying in the bathroom at work. Hormones can be confusing and difficult to understand and often the journey of getting them back in balance can leave you feeling helpless if you take the journey on your own. So closing to work with someone who cares and wants to see the improvements just as much as you can make the whole thing a lot less daunting and a lot more fun... with the right person that is (hint hint, nudge nudge).
To heal your gut
Everything eventually boils down to the gut. That ridiculously long hollow tube in your body that runs from your mouth to your butt. Whatever goes in must come out. Everything happens in the gut, all out foods get broken down and the good and bad stuff extracted from it to keep us alive (or slowly kill us, depending on your diet of course). So of course everything that passes through influences our health. If you was to drink a bottle of bleach (PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT), you would expect it to kill you. Why? Because of all the harmful chemicals of course. So now apply the same logic (maybe a bit better) to the rest of your diet. If you eat some almonds how will this affect you? If you eat a whole cheesecake, how will this affect you?
Poor gut health can contribute to acne, psoriasis, eczema, food intolerances, poor sleep, IBS, IBD, bloating, malnutrition, weight gain, diabetes, PCOS, low mood, constipation and diarrhoea. The list is endless. Working alongside a nutritional therapist you can help to make your gut a happy gut and in turn you can be happier too.
To be the best version of you, for yourself and those around you
Save the best till last.
Working with a nutritional therapist will help you become the best version of you that you can be.
And that doesn't just benefit you. That benefits everyone around you.
You can know that you will be there to support your children and see them grow up to be beautiful humans.
You can be there for your parents as they grow older and rely on you just that little bit more.
You can show up to work with a smile on your face and improve the mood of those around you, just by being there.
You can focus more on the things you love because you will finally have the energy to do more than just sit down after a day of work.
You can feel confident enough to go out on dates and meet someone lovely.
You can feel alive enough and confident enough to put on a nice outfit and go out to see your friends.
The world is your oyster.
You can do whatever you like,
and I can help you get there.